Happy Birthday Wishes

We enjoy wishing people a happy birthday on the day they were born, but people aren’t sure if they should acknowledge that day once a person passes away. Some have said they didn’t want me to think they’ve forgotten about my late husband. Others have said they didn’t want to bring it up and remind me of his loss. One friend asked if I was talking to him in Spirit. “Are you wishing him a happy birthday? And is ‘happy’ the appropriate word compared to the euphoria of that divine energy experience in the Afterlife?” Certainly his soul energy is happier than what we’re wishing for him right now. Maybe it’s simply a celebration day to keep his legacy and memory alive. Technically, his Spirit is not even having a “day” I would imagine since time, as we know it, wouldn’t exist in the eternity of the other side. Anyway, it appears there are several viewpoints or questions about what feels right to do.

I personally think there is no one right way, but that all love expressed is good. I believe we should do what feels right in our hearts, sending love and gratitude to our transitioned loved ones and/or to those who grieve the loss. I feel so fortunate to have been given enough evidence of his still being with me, that I feel like now I’m actually celebrating his life with his forever Spirit …which is right on the other side. I think of his soul energy as in a different dimension, but not gone. I can appreciate or celebrate his physical life and his Spiritual life any day now…the day he was born, the day he passed, and any day in between or after.

This morning I simply expressed to my late husband’s Spirit that I am so happy he was born on this day 77 years ago, and beyond lucky that we were able to spend a lifetime together. I told his Spirit I was delighted to have had a marriage with such a good man who made such a difference in his lifetime. And yes, I agree that it can be a bittersweet day mixing up the grief from him being physically gone, with the reminder of all the wonderful memories we shared over a half a century. However, the love I send to him celebrating it all just feels so good. And I know he “feels” the love in his own way, now, too.

2 responses to “Happy Birthday Wishes”

  1. oh this is beautiful, and you are so right about the acknowledgement on key dates. As even if we are unaware of dates the fact someone else remembered means so much as we never stopping thinking of the person we are grieving


    1. That ia so true, Becky. Any connection of love is so comforting!

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